Welcome to doctor osaka herbal homeWE Cure Different Types Of Human Infections And Diseases Using Natural Roots And Herbs. My major areas of concentration are Sexually transmitted infections (STI), also referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and venereal diseases (VD)” such as ;-GENITAL & SIMPLEX HERPES…-EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS-PREDIABETES/DIABETES/DIABETES MELLITUS…-MENINGITIS…-HIV…-LEISHMANIASIS…-LOW SPERM COUNT…-SHIGELLA INFECTION…-SYPHILLIS-CANCER…-LOWER RESPIRATORY INFECTION…-STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS…-HEPATITIS…-SHINGLES…-YELLOW FEVER…-POLIO…-LUPUS…-STROKE…-FIBROID…-EPILEPSY…-TUBERCULOSIS…-LEUKAEMIA…-SICKLE CELL…-ASTHMA.. Etc..
NOTE: All our product are purely herbal no artificial ingredients added
Since 2000, Dr 0sebol Herbal Home has become the most well-known Herbal Remedies Store in whole world. What started out as a hobby has become our passion. We’re proud to have created a generation of happy customers and look forward to continuing our work for years to come!​
Remedy against halitosis or bad breath. Simply chewing on the seeds can help to eliminate any bad odors coming from your mouth, help prevent cavity development on your teeth or even reserve cavities and tooth decay, natural cancer treatment, helps lower blood pressure, which is key to maintaining the health of heart and kidneys, for diabetes and anyone struggling with blood sugar issues, for the treatment of digestive issues like stomach aches, helps in controlling gastrointestinal disorders, such as acidity, flatulence and stomach cramps, provide relief for people struggle with breathing issues like asthmame visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction.
Why Should You Follow These Remedies For Herpes
Nature has the ability to cure and manage any disease. In ancient times, people used to treat any disease with the help of herbal remedies that’s why they lived longer life. Medicines or drugs just give relief for a short time and can also give some side effects. Herbal Cure are considered as a natural herpes treatment which does not harm you and is effective too. If nature was not around, we all would have been diseased and dying. It can be frustrating and tough task to search right treatment option for herpes which can help you to get rid of it because there is no single treatment option which can eliminate it completely from your body without natural herbal medicine. But the good news is that Dr osaka have something you relief and permanent cure.
Dr Osaka, l Cure
Herbal medicine has its origins in ancient cultures including those of the Africa, American Indians, Chinese and Egypt . It involves the medicinal use of plants to treat disease and enhance general health and well being.
Some herbs have potent ingredients and should be treated with the same care and respect as pharmaceutical drugs. In fact, many pharmaceutical drugs are based on the synthesized versions of naturally occurring compounds found in plants. For instance, the heart drug digitalis was derived from the herb foxglove.
In recent years, interest in herbal medicine has skyrocketed, leading to a greater scientific interest in plant. Plants are capable of treating diseases tagged incurable and improving health, often without any significant side effects.
A pharmaceutical drug typically uses a synthesized version of a plant’s active ingredient. We maintain that an active ingredient can lose its impact or become less safe, if used in isolation from the rest of the plant. For instance, salicylic acid is found in the plant meadow sweet and is used to make aspirin. Aspirin can cause the lining of the stomach to bleed, but meadow sweet naturally contains other compounds that counteract the irritant qualities of salicylic acid. The effect of the whole plant is greater than its parts
Herbal medicine aims to return the body to a state of natural balance, so that it can start healing itself. Different herbs act on different systems of the body. Some of the herbs that have been scientifically studied, and found to be effective and safe, include:
Stop tumors, Rosemary extract helps prevent carcinogens that enter the body from binding with DNA, the first step in tumor formation, according to several studies. To reduce HCAs, we recommends marinating foods in any supermarket spice mix that contains rosemary as well as one or more of the spices thyme, oregano, basil, garlic, onion, or parsley.
Ease arthritis, a heaping helping of curry could relieve your pain. That's because turmeric, a spice used in curry, contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory that works similarly to Cox-2 inhibitors, drugs that reduce the Cox-2 enzyme that causes the pain and swelling of arthritis. Also Prevent colon cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Curcumin can help shrink precancerous lesions known as colon polyps, when taken with a small amount of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in onions, apples, and cabbage. The average number of polyps dropped more than 60% and those that remained shrank by more than 50%. Curcumin also helps clear the brain of the plaques that are characteristic of the disease. For general health, we recommends adding the spice to your cooking whenever possible.
Boosts the immune system and aids the body in fighting infection. It is used to treat ailments such as boils, fever and herpes. Echinacea is under investigation for its use in treating cancer and AIDS.
Lower blood sugar, taking cinnamon extract daily successfully reduced blood sugar by about 10%. Also, cinnamon packs a one-two punch for people with type 2 diabetes by reducing related heart risks. In another study of diabetics, it slashed cholesterol by 13% and triglycerides by 23%. To tame blood sugar, take 1g capsules of standardized cinnamon extract daily. But keep in mind that a large amount of the actual spice can be dangerous, so stick with a water-soluble extract.
Used for gynaecological complaints, such as premenstrual tension, menopause symptoms and period pain. Some studies indicate that dong quai can lower blood pressure.
Can be used to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood fats and cholesterol (a type of blood fat) levels. The antibiotic and antiviral properties of garlic mean that it is also used to fight colds, sinusitis and other respiratory infections. Also lowers cancer risk.
Many studies have shown ginger to be useful in treating nausea, including motion sickness and morning sickness.
Commonly used to treat poor blood circulation and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Some studies have found ginkgo biloba to be effective in treating neurological disorders, such as memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease.
Generally used for debility and weakness, for example during recovery from illness. It can be used to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, however overuse of ginseng has been associated with raised blood pressure. Some studies show that ginseng can also boost immunity, improve mental functioning and speed the healing processes of the body.
Commonly known as St John’s Wort. Hypericum is just as effective as some synthetic antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression. It is also effective for anxiety and insomnia. Research is currently focusing on hypericum’s antiviral properties and its effect on AIDS.
Take the tincture for acute lymphatic congestion and infection in a dose of 20 drops daily.
CLEAVERS: This herb is a lymphatic cleanser and helps to rid the lymph system of toxins. Use as a tea or full supplement.
CALENDULA: Used to treat inflamed or congested lymph glands. Drink an infusion of 4 grams dried flower heads in 1 cup boiling water, steeped for 5 minutes 3 times a day.
FIGWORT: –This cleanser of the lymph system helps heal problems by removing toxins. Take the tea daily, its available for purchase.
RED ROOT: –This herb cleanses the lymph glands and nodes to remove waste that may be accumulating. Take as a tincture.
DANDELION: This natural herbs helps if you’re retaining fluid. Take as a tea or supplement. Available for purchase
HORSETAIL: This diuretic can help reduce mild cases of edema.
NOTE: Above are tips of herbs and their uses, we have herbal full supplements for wide variety of diseases even those tagged incurable like Parkinson's disease, Lymph disorder, ALS, COPD, Hepatitis b, Alzheimer’s disease, Pulmonary fibrosis, Neurological disorders etc
It is very important that people do not self-diagnose any health conditions. Any medication (herbal or otherwise) should be taken under the supervision of a knowledgeable practitioner for more info and help contact Dr Osaka
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Thanks for your help, I'm cure now

Thanks Doc , I have been cure from my diseases ,Thanks very much

Thanks doctor osaka for your good work in My life